ChatGPT Limits Access to Census Data of Any Country

Getting census data and links to census data from the ChatGPT and other large language models is revealing. ChatGPT is censoring census data. Partial list of countries that censor census data. There are countries that avoid creating any census data. Countries that have not had a census since 1990 include: Lebanon (1932) Afghanistan (1979) Eritrea …

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Google Gemini Will Integrate AI into Google Apps and Is Good At Science

Google just revealed Gemini and will directly integrate the AI into Google apps. The GPT-4 competitor comes in 3 models — Ultra, Pro, and Nano. Gemini is multimodal and can recognize images and speak in real-time. With a score of 90%, Gemini Ultra is the FIRST AI model to outperform human experts on the MMLU …

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Teslabot Could Help xAI Grok Catch OpenAI GPT5 in AGI Race

Dr Alan Thompson has been closely tracking all AI and large language models at Alan believes the Q Star rumors are a red herring but he has been saying the critical next steps to go to 60-80% AGI are humanoid robotics. Humanoid robotics that are could pass Steve Wozniak’s test of AGI: walk into …

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