Carnival of Space 122 Mainly Reactions to the Discovery of Water on the Moon

Cumbrian Sky hosts the 122nd Carnival of Space Nextbigfuture provided one of the first 3 nextbigfuture articles on water on the moon. Bad Astronomy has an article about water on the moon and what it will mean. The Planetary Society blog has an extensive article on the discovery of water on the moon. Cumbrian sky …

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Kitegen Update

Popular Science’s most recent magazine (on newstands Sept ,2009) has a brief two paragraphs which indicate that Kitegen is building a 3 megawatt system with 1500 square foot kite sail. This is scheduled to be completed in 2011. This is 75 times larger power than a 40 kilowatt demo system that was produced. •max power: …

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Lithographic Graphitic Memories

HPC Wire reports that advances by the Rice University lab of James Tour have brought graphite’s potential as a mass data storage medium a step closer to reality and created the potential for reprogrammable gate arrays that could bring about a revolution in integrated circuit logic design. (H/T Sander Olson) In a paper published in …

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Comparing Healthcare in Canada and the United States and the World

Wikipedia has a lengthy comparison of the healthcare systems in Canada and the United States. UPDATE: Comparison study of many national healthcare programs around the world by the CATO institute H/T reader Mercy Vetsel for the link The WHO (World Health Organization) is study bases its conclusions on such highly subjective measures as “fairness” and …

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A Worthy New Purpose for Space and More Discussion of Fuel Depots

“Review of U.S. Human Space Flight Plans Committee,” also known as the “Augustine Committee,” declared a new overarching purpose for America’s national space enterprise: “the underlying reason why we do human spaceflight is the extension of human civilization beyond Earth“ The official Review of U.S. Human Space Flight Plans Committee webpage is here. This is …

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Manchester Report – Climate Change Solutions and Thorium Nuclear Reactors

The Machester Report includes a presentation and recommendation for Thorium Nuclear Reactors for a cleaner environment. Vote for the best environmental plan here. Thoriumenergy has a longer article discussing the presentation made by Kirk Sorensen on Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactors Here is a 5 megabyte powerpoint of the presentation. Manchester Report on Climate Change solutions …

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Nanoscale Might Allow Fairly Efficient Maxwell Demon: Possible Entropy reduction

A recent study has shown that, on the nanoscale, Maxwell’s demon might be able to do its work with much less energy than previously thought due to tiny thermal fluctuations that occur in small systems. Dillenschneider and Lutz have accounted for the impact of tiny thermal fluctuations on memory erasure in their nanoparticle-based memory system. …

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Human Enhancement Overview

My thinking is that there are three main paths on bone strengthening with different times to get them done. [Link references will be added later, check the labels for references]Plus the years for FDA approvals (but probably faster for any non-FDA military program or in places like China or North Korea) 1. Replicate the biological …

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