Tesla Semi Maybe Nearing Pre-Production Level

Elon Musk tweeted pictures of a Tesla Semi delivering Tesla passenger electric cars. The Tesla Semi was not expected to be in full production until 2020. However, it appears that Tesla will be using a few dozen of the Tesla Semi’s and could start delivering some pre-order Semi trucks in 2019. Tesla will start making …

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China Tesla Model 3 Will Be $28,000 and Tesla has a 44% Electric Motor Advantage

The Tesla Model 3 had the best electronics teardown expert Sandy Munro’s team has ever seen. It had the lowest number of hoses, 40% less harnesses, and the electric motors are smaller, lighter, and more powerful than the competition. Munro says if Tesla optimizes the Model 3’s production in China, the electric vehicle will generate …

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Tesla scaling up rollout in Europe and Asia

Tesla sent out invitations to reservation holders living in Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, Italy, and Belgium. A significant number of Tesla cars will be made for Europe and Asia in the first quarter of 2019. Da domani #Model3 al #Tesla store di Piazza Gae Aulenti a Milano! @Tesla @TeslaOwnersIT @disinformatico @Teslarati pic.twitter.com/PlEKj5ZhK6 — Francesco (@FraPet89) …

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Kalashnikov has made a laughable electric “super car” based upon a car symbolic of occupied east germany

Kalashnikov has an electric car that uses the styling of a car symbolic of occupied East Germany. The Trabant became a symbol of the technological and social backwardness of the East German state. The new electric version has 220 kW, cruising range is 350 km and 6 seconds to accelerate from 0 to 100 km …

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