Oisin Biotech Can Apply Seperate Gene Therapies to Build Muscle and Eliminate Fat

Oisin Biotechnologies has been able to safely apply gene therapies in humans to remove senescent cells. They were able to identify the bad cells and then applied a therapy to cause those cells to self-destruct.

New Oisin Biotechnologies therapies will remove all visceral fat. Visceral fat is a type of body fat that lies deep within your abdominal walls and surrounds your organs. This is the most unhealthy fat.

They also have a therapy to have the body constantly produce follistatin. Follistatin is the material that the body makes after you exercise and cause tiny muscle tears. The follistatin is the signal to the body to repair and make more muscle. Constant follistatin production is safe for men and women and it will enable muscle levels to be increased to safe levels.

6 thoughts on “Oisin Biotech Can Apply Seperate Gene Therapies to Build Muscle and Eliminate Fat”

  1. BTW how low body fat is *too* low for good health?
    I suspect guys like the bodybuilder in the background of some of those slides are getting to that level.

    • It’s hugely different between men and women; Men can be healthy with as low as 2-5% body fat, women need at least 10-15% to be healthy; Their hormonal cycles become erratic and they lose fertility at too low a fat level.

      That guy’s probably got a healthy fat level, though no guarantee he got there by healthy means. Of course, part of that is that men typically have a higher percentage of bodyweight in muscle, which lowers the safe level of fat by raising the denominator.

  2. This sounds too good to be true. If they are already experimenting on humans, why isn’t this MSM news already? People would be lined up around the block for a single shot, safe, fat-losing, muscle-building shot (or two shots). At least, if it was affordable, and this seems to be affordable too, or at least just a one-time payment that goes on for a lifetime.
    Sarcopenia is practically guaranteed for anyone over 60. It starts with those telltale neck cavities, which are signs of muscle retreating. Once it gets to that stage, virtually no amount of exercise will reverse it, just slow it down and even that will fail in the 70s. Diagnosed sarcopenia leads to all cause mortality in under 5 years. Obesity…well, what else can be said except it’s implicated in over 30 diseases and early mortality too.
    Where can I get my shot(s)?

    • The usual thing, regrettably, is for the FDA to clamp down with extreme prejudice on any treatment that promises to undo sarcopenia. It seems to be more important to them that athletes have trouble “doping” than that the elderly not become weak and fragile.

      I mean, try getting a prescription for a myostatin blocker, (Similarly aids muscle growth.) or aromase inhibitor. (Helps obese men lose weight and avoid ‘man boobs’.) And those have been around for a long while now, you’d think they’d be widely used.

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