US budget proposal and infrastructure plan highlights

There is a $4.4 trillion 2019 budget proposal. It includes an infrastructure plan. The infrastructure plan calls for $200 billion in planned federal spending on infrastructure which is to incentive state, local and private funding for $1.5 trillion in overall infrastructure. The US plans sell off federal assets as part of its infrastructure plan released …

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US pro-growth Spending, Investment tries to sustain 3+% GDP growth

Solid consumer spending, accelerating business investment and a housing rebound combined to drive fourth-quarter demand in the US economy. Gross domestic product expanded at a 3 percent annualized rate after 3.2 percent in the third quarter and 3.1 percent in the previous period. Tax cuts championed by President Donald Trump have fueled expectations of an …

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Defense Innovation Board Recommends how to Boost US military innovation

The Defense Innovation Board is an organization set up in 2016 to bring the technological innovation and best practice of Silicon Valley to the U.S. Military. The board will have up to a dozen members selected by the chair (Eric Schmidt) in consultation with the US Secretary of Defense. Patrick Tucker at Defense One reported …

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Converting US Economic Forecasts to Win, Lose or Draw annual numbers

There are various economic projections related to the tax cut bill and other policies. The projections are created by the US government agencies, Universities, and independent groups. The differences tend to be whether * the US federal deficits go up by $1.5 to 2.5 trillion over ten years. * the GDP increases by 0% or …

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What is actually in the new US National Security Strategy

Here is a link to the 68 page US National Security Strategy. The National Security Strategy indicates that it puts America first. What seems to be different * US will be more aggressive in litigating and responding to trade and economic treaty violations Nextbigfuture interpretation – Just of Trump has used lawsuits to enforce the …

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CDC denies word ban

On December 15, the Washington Post reported that the White House sent the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) a list of seven words [vulnerable, entitlement, diversity, transgender, fetus, evidence-based and science-based.] it was forbidden from including in official documents for next year’s budget. CDC director Dr Brenda Fitzgerald tweeted denial of any …

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The fight for true broadband competition in the USA

New financial disclosures for a November ballot initiative show that a group backed by private internet providers [including Comcast] spent just over $900,000 to try and block city-owned broadband service in Fort Collins, Colorado. The big spenders were nonetheless defeated by a citizens’ group that spent only $15,000 to support the bond measure, which passed …

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FCC repeals net neutrality and now FCC will fight several states over it

The Federal Communications Commission voted Thursday end net neutrality rules, which required service providers to treat all internet traffic equally. Politicians from California, Washington and New York said Thursday they’ll use a mix of legislative action and legal moves to fight the FCC’s repeal of net neutrality regulation. Scott Wiener, a California state senator, said …

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