China’s 2035 Demographic Cliff – Antigrowth and Bank Risks

2035 could be the start of global recessions and depressions that virtually never end. China still has 10-15 years where its economy will not be truly horrible. This is also the time, when European economies also get terrible and the US exists its millennial echo-boom. The only hope will be if AI, robotics and self-driving …

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Low Population in 2050 for $50 Trillion Economic Loss – Over Ten Times More Than Climate Change

We do NOT know if the climate models are correct. There are predictions that worsening storms and drought will have economic losses that are 20-50 times worse than today by 2050. The older predictions of flooding or winters without snow have not happened. However, we know for certain that lowering birth rates will result in …

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Likely Massively Wrong UN Population Estimates for China and India

Yi Fuxian, a senior scientist in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has been citing evidence that the United Nations world population projection group has been massively wrong on global population projections and on the population of China and India. This is hugely important because population projections are the foundation upon which economic …

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Self-Genocide, the Decimation of the Grandchildren

On November 18, 1978, cult-leader Jim Jones ordered members of his commune to commit suicide by drink poisoned kool-aid. Some were forced to drink it and some (such as small children) drank it unknowingly. Roughly 918 people died. The world is infected with mind viruses of overpopulation, climate change and other anti-children fears. NOTE: Since, …

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