Researchers should soon e able to cool atoms to 100 hundredths of a billionth of a degree, 100 times colder than best ever

In experiments with rubidium atoms in optical lattices,physicists successfully demonstrated they could remove entropy from atoms via orbital excitation blockade. In principle, they can reach temperatures 10-to-100-times colder than currently achieved, to temperatures of tenths-to-hundredths-of-a-billionth of a degree above absolute zero. However, they likely need lasers of longer wavelengths to do so in real life, …

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Putin prioritizes Russia’s GDP growth acceleration to 7 percent

The Russian government is seeking to accelerate the national economy’s growth to 6-7 percent annually and join the list of the world’s top five economies over five years, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday. “We are setting the goal of accelerating economic growth to 6 percent, better to 6-7 percent, and join the …

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Makani flying wind energy

Technology Review – The Makani Airborne Wind Turbine consists of several turbines attached to a wing, which is tethered to the ground. In flight, the vehicle takes essentially the same path as the tip of a wind turbine’s blade, following a circle perpendicular to the wind direction. Thanks to crosswind aerodynamics—which produce the rapid circular …

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Mach Effect explanation of Mass gets independent research support

Arxiv – The gravitational mechanism to generate mass II is a paper on Arxiv (5 pages) that supports the Mach effect interpretation of mass and inertia which is the basis of the James Woodward proposal for Mach Effect propulsion. With the eminent confirmation or disproof of the existence of Higgs boson by experiments on the …

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Creative Reconstruction

There was a book written about Unlocking Energy Innovation and how there are four scales of energy research and deployment, but I would say there are different levels of industrial scale deployment They had said that the USA was mainly failing at demonstration and early adoption. I would note that the US and Europe are …

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New synthetic molecules treat autoimmune diseases in mice

A team of Weizmann Institute scientists has turned the tables on an autoimmune disease. In such diseases, including Crohn’s and rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s tissues. But the scientists managed to trick the immune systems of mice into targeting one of the body’s players in autoimmune processes, an enzyme known as …

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Carnival of nuclear Energy 84

The Carnival of Nuclear Energy 84 is up at the Atomic Power Review Idaho Samzdat – US Areva CEO Jacques Besnainou joined the monthly conference call with nuclear bloggers. In response to a question from Dan Yurman, he said that the firm would restart the construction phase of the Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility in Idaho …

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